Robocop Might Be Coming to Colleyville, TX
When you think of robots rolling around your local mall, you probably have visions of old Star Trek and Twilight Zone episodes. It’s basically a concept that you expect to see in cheesy sci-fi about the year 2000. But today, we’re living in 2017 and there may be a security robot patrolling a mall near you. Commercial and home security are rapidly growing technological fields, which means we might not be too far off from robots actually patrolling your property. So are they the next step in home security? Continue reading to find out.
Science fiction has become science fact for one mall in Texas, where ROD2 keeps the hallways safe. More R2D2 than Terminator, this man-sized, egg-shaped automaton roves the property keeping an eye on things while shoppers go about their business. According to the Houston Chronicle:
“The robot […] became the latest addition to a patrol team eager to experiment with fast-evolving technology that has captured the attention of robotics developers. Its eyelike cameras continuously compile information on its surroundings and monitor for unusual activity, providing extra surveillance in an area where expensive cars and high-end stores might tempt thieves.”
The Chronicle goes on to state that the Houston robo-rent-a-cop is far from unique. There are nearly 40 securing businesses around the country, thanks to Silicon Valley developers Knightscope. ROD2 is so advanced that it can detect suspicious behavior, recognize faces and even sense outside temperatures.
Are Robots Coming to Home Security?
The obvious question many homeowners will ask is: when will I have a robot protecting my home? Well, despite the fact that robots are becoming more common in the technological landscape, you probably won’t be seeing them used for home security very soon. You’ll just have to settle for the Roomba vacuuming up your floors.
So what can you do today to protect your property? You can invest in smart home security features. Here are some of our favorites:
Surveillance Cameras: Just like ROD2, your surveillance cameras can recognize faces, height and other factors that can identify potential threats before they happen. And they do it all in crisp 4K resolution. That means you can keep an eye on your property with ease.
Biometric Entryways: Use your fingerprint or retina to gain access to your home or any internal doors you may want to keep locked. Biometrics are also perfect for gun safes and liquor cabinets to ensure they remain closed when you’re out of the house.
Environmental sensors: Think home security is all about keeping the bad guys out? Think again: you’re much more likely to experience environmental damage. Avoid nasty things like fires and gas and water leaks with smart sensors that detect the signs before they get bad.
Remote Monitoring: Make sure someone (human) is keeping an eye out for you with remote monitoring services that can contact the appropriate authorities when danger is detected.
With robots patrolling our malls it can feel like we’re living in the world of tomorrow. But actually, it’s just one more practical technological solution used to keep us safe. If you’re interested in keeping your home safe, contact Futurian Systems today!