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What Makes a Great Outdoor TV?

Writer's picture: Futurian SystemsFuturian Systems

Choose a SunBriteTV for the Best Viewing Experience

Is there anything better than relaxing outside on your covered deck and enjoying the fresh Texas air? What could make that experience even more fun? We suggest a high-quality outdoor TV so you can watch the game or catch up on the latest episodes of your favorite television series.

Unfortunately, not every TV was made to be mounted outdoors, so you should choose one created with this in mind. The Southlake, TX, sunshine can be quite a scorcher (literally), especially if your TV wasn't built to handle it. Let the Futurian Systems team help you select the perfect TV for your outdoor audio-video needs.

Built for the Outdoors

If you're comparing outdoor TV models, we like SunBriteTVs because they have all the features you need for great outdoor entertainment. However, as we mentioned before, hanging an indoor TV outside is not recommended; it will void most of the warranties because it wasn't built for that purpose.

When considering outdoor models, think about where you will hang your television and whether the area will be shaded or sunny. For example, SunBriteTV's Veranda Series was made for watching in fully shaded areas, while the Pro Series is up to four times brighter than indoor TVs for a great picture in full sun.

What Essential Features Should an Outdoor TV have?

Look for these features on a great outdoor television:

  • Rust and corrosion-protected frame to last through rain, salty air, and humidity

  • A watertight seal to protect from water and insects

  • A weatherproof media bay that can protect cable and gaming systems

  • An internal heating and cooling system to regulate temperature through hot and cold

  • A 4K UHD display with anti-glare and up to four times more brightness than indoor TVs

  • Weatherproof remote controls

More About SunBrite

SunBriteTV's outdoor models have screens as large as 75 inches, and they make their TVs specifically for outdoor use. As a result, their all-weather models offer superior brightness to other brands and can power through the harsh Texas weather—rain, dirt, bugs, heat, and more. In addition, SunBriteTVs have a warranty covering outdoor use and can typically handle temperatures from -24 to 122 degrees (F).

Don't Forget the Audio

If you're building a fun outdoor living space, remember the surround sound or in-ground audio to accompany your new outdoor TV. The Futurian Systems team can recommend some great brands to help make your outdoor space the best it can be for entertainment.

Some additional items to consider for your outdoor TV include a weatherproof mount, a TV screen cover, and a lockable anti-theft case. Our team can also help with wiring as needed too.

Are you ready to level up your outdoor living space with outdoor audio-video? Contact the Futurian Systems team for all your audio-video needs in the Southlake, TX, area. We're ready to help you live and have fun in the sun!

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